May 02, 2010

Spring Carlisle 2010 Event Report

Spring Carlisle 2010 was fun and the weather was nice until late Saturday afternoon when it clouded up and began to rain lightly. Sunday dawned cold and wet, which pretty much ended any action at the flea market.

The crowd at Spring Carlisle 2010 appeared to be the biggest in at least a couple of years. There was even a minor traffic jam on Saturday morning as people exited from the Pennsylvania Turnpike. It was good to see that the people are back now all they have to do is buy stuff. Maybe next year.

There were some real nice customs for sale in the Car Corral as well as some rare and just plain weird cars like a 1980 Condor Sports Car and a couple of East German Trabants. Click Here to See the Spring Carlisle photos. If you have any information about the cars in the photos, especially the customs please post a comment. In case anyone cares the Rodzilla custom began life as a 1955 Mercury 2 door hardtop and the Mauve Mercury convertible started out as a ‘60 Ford Sunliner but has a Canadian Mercury grill according to the owner.

It was rumored among the car corral sellers that sales were not all that great but by late Saturday afternoon some buyers probably bought some real nice cars for way less than it cost to build them.

On Saturday afternoon there was also a very interesting interview with the surviving founder of Carlisle Events, where he told of some of the trials and tribulations the founders had in order to buy the fairgrounds and keep the event going. We should all be grateful that they kept things going through good times and bad.

In all a thoroughly enjoyable event in spite of the cold rain on Sunday.

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